Doing business with integrity to reflect our philosophy.
Our values define what matters to us. They describe what we care about, what we are willing to commit to and they guide how we work with each other and our business colleagues. They form the basis of how we want to be recognised as a business.
The cornerstone of how we do business is to treat other people in the right way. This means dealing with others in a manner that builds relationships and respects different perspectives without personal judgement. The guiding objective is that everyone who interacts with Kador personnel should feel that they are dealing with good people.
Integrity is one of the key words that reflects the Kador culture. It means acting honestly and treating people fairly. In short it means doing the right thing.
Authentic behaviour involves doing what you committed to do; it means dealing with others without hidden agendas; and is a key ingredient for building trust and meaningful communication.
Embrace Change
In order for Kador to grow we need to embrace new ideas and approaches to doing business. Innovation and creativity are encouraged and embraced.
Promote Staff Well-Being
We place great importance on providing a happy and healthy workplace that allows staff members to work to their potential. By providing flexibility in working hours we also recognise the importance of making time for personal and family interests.